I was not born into the ‘Horse World’
I can’t remember a time that I didn’t love horses, dreanming that one day I would own one.
But as a city-bound kid, confined to an urban world, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. So I fed my equine fantasy reading Jane Marshall
Dillon’s “School for Young Riders” and Marguerite Henry’s “King of the
Wind.” Eventually the occasional trail ride at Rainbow Stables fueled my dreams
until college when my passion was cemented when I was able to take riding lessons and then
lease a horse IN THE CITY! at the Buffalo Saddle & Bridle Club.
Fast forward… I DID get a horse of my own and my OTTB and I have been together for 23 years . (I just don’t
understand the physics…. I can’t have gotten THAT much older!)
Did I mention I grew up and STILL live in the CITY away from the conventional ‘Horse World’? Thus I’m pretty much
‘self-taught’ bringing, I’m sure, a different perspective to horse
ownership and care. I’d like to compare notes with other ‘city horse
owners’ and hear from traditional owners as well – I welcome your
insights! Just click on ‘The Horse World’ above and let me know what you think!