On Kissing Horses
If it’s not too personal let me ask…
Have you ever
French Kissed….
Equine Affaire 2023, Ohio: Julie Goodnight tells spectators not to kiss on their horses faces… that’s not the way horses show affection, and you run the risk of being bitten.
The only incident I’ve encountered while nuzzling my horse’s muzzle was not a bite, but startling just the same. While brushing her face we just happened to turn toward each other at the same moment. I was talking to her, as I always do while grooming, and she had her mouth slightly open……. The rest is history. Perfect set up for the French Kiss!
Maybe that’s why our bond is so strong!?
We were both a little startled.
It was not necessarily a bad experience,
but we agreed not to make a habit of it.
Photo: istockphoto-1199486942-612×612
Spring Has Sprung
Do You Know
THE Sure Sign of Spring?
•The Cadbury Bunny? no
•April Showers? no
•Crocuses Budding? no
•The 1st Robin? no
•Bees a Buzzing? no
•Colored Easter Eggs? no
•Toads on the Roads? nope…
When Tricksters Ply Their Trade
aah… April 1st!
Spring has sprung, the air is fresh…
and tricksters come out to celebrate the day.
As a kid I looked forward to April Fool’s Day, planning jokes and other mischief. But now I wonder why we have a day dedicated to celebrating Fools. After all, people of this persuasion are pretty plentiful, they seem to be all around us, although etiquette usually demands we don’t point out their state of confusion. And they don’t seem to confine their actions to one specific day per year so how did celebrating on this one day come about?
The origin of April Fools’ Day/All Fools’ Day is not entirely clear, but it’s believed to date back to the 16th century when, in France, the Julian calendar celebrated the New Year on April 1st. Then in 1582 the Gregorian calendar was introduced, and New Year’s Day was moved to January 1st. Of course, there’s always those who don’t catch on, or are just downright suborned, set in their ways. These misguided individuals were labeled as “fools” by those who followed the new calendar and became the subject of pranks, jokes, and hoaxes. Thus, it’s thought, a tradition was born.
As I’ve gotten older I’ve pretty much stopped the jokes and pranks. But now I find it’s not only people who play tricks, and they don’t confine their pranks to April 1st. You know this if you’ve ever been jettisoned by a horse who was calmly going ‘this way’ and abruptly changed to ‘that way’ leaving you still on the ‘this way’ trajectory. My horse seems to enjoy this joke as she stands there, looking down at me innocently, seeming to say ‘What in heavens name are you doing DOWN THERE!?’
Sometimes I swear
I can hear her laughing!
A Good Death
It’s been called
“The Hardest Act of Love
you’ll ever carry out,
and the toughest decision you’ll ever make.”
Of Greek origin, the word Euthanasia literally means
‘a good death.’
This week I had the good fortune to come upon the ‘End-of-Life Decisions’ Seminar produced by the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. This topic has been on my mind as the owner of a 34yo horse. It was not easy to watch. I had only a rudimentary knowledge of how a horse is ‘put down,’ having seen one shot between the eyes many years ago.
I’ve talked only briefly with my vet. My greatest worry, after having to actually make the decision, was how will my horse feel when the initial injection makes her fall to the ground. How painful will hitting the ground the be? Will she be scared, confused? How long will she be conscious laying on the ground, possibly panicked, before the final injection?
Cornell has an excellent reputation, ranking 3rd in the list of 100 Best Veterinary Universities In The World according to vetreport.com while the National Library of Medicine ranks it 2nd in the US. And they did not disappoint with this excellent presentation. Exceeding my expectations, they put my fears to rest with their clear, thorough explanation of the process.
I recommend it to all horse owners.
Look for Past Seminars on the Cornell Equine Seminar Series page.

The City Horsewoman (aka The Old Grey Mare) shares her thoughts and queries on life far from the barn. Your feedback and insights are welcome!
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